Frontend Development Course

Introduction to Frontend Development
Overview of Frontend Development
- Understanding the role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in web development
- Introduction to development tools (code editors, version control)
- Basic concepts of web development (client vs. server-side)
HTML Basics
HTML Document Structure
- Basic structure (doctype, html, head, body)
- Common tags (headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images)
Advanced HTML Elements
- Semantic HTML5 elements (header, footer, article, section)
- Forms (input types, text areas, select boxes)
- HTML5 features (data attributes, placeholders, required fields)
Accessibility and SEO
- SEO basics (meta tags, header tags, semantic structure)
CSS Fundamentals
CSS Syntax and Selectors
- Understanding CSS syntax (rulesets, properties, values)
- Types of selectors (element, class, ID, attribute)
- Specificity and inheritance
Styling Basics
- Colors, fonts, and text alignment
- Backgrounds, borders, and shadows
Box Model and Layout Techniques
- The CSS box model (margins, borders, padding, content)
- Positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed)
- Floats and clearfix
Advanced CSS Styling
- Transitions and animations
- Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements (hover, before, after)
- Custom properties (CSS variables)
Responsive Design with CSS
Responsive Design Principles
- Media queries (breakpoints, viewport units)
- Mobile-first vs. desktop-first design
CSS Grid Layout
- Creating grid containers and items
- Defining grid columns, rows, and areas
- Responsive grids (auto-fill, auto-fit)
Flexbox Layout
- Flex container and items
- Aligning and distributing space (justify-content, align-items)
- Advanced Flexbox techniques (flex-grow, flex-shrink)
JavaScript Basics
JavaScript Fundamentals
- Syntax, variables (let, const, var), data types (string, number, boolean)
- Operators and expressions
- Functions (declaration, expressions, arrow functions)
Control Flow and Loops
- Conditional statements (if, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
DOM Manipulation
- Understanding the DOM (Document Object Model)
- Selecting elements (querySelector, getElementById)
- Modifying elements (innerHTML, textContent, attributes)
- Event handling (addEventListener, event properties)
JavaScript Arrays and Objects
- Array methods (push, pop, map, filter, reduce)
- Object properties and methods
Getting Started with Bootstrap
- Setting up Bootstrap (CDN vs. local installation)
- Understanding the grid system (containers, rows, columns)
- Responsive design with Bootstrap grid
Bootstrap Components
- Common components (buttons, forms, navbars, cards)
- Component customization (color schemes, sizing)
- Advanced components (modals, carousels, tooltips)
Bootstrap Utilities and Customization
- Utility classes (spacing, text alignment, visibility)
- Customizing Bootstrap
- Responsive utilities (display, margin, padding)
Project Development
Project Planning and Design
- Defining project scope and objectives
- Creating wireframes and mockups
- Setting up a project structure (file organization, naming conventions)
Implementing HTML and CSS
- Building the layout with HTML
- Styling with CSS and incorporating responsive design principles
Adding Interactivity with JavaScript
- Implementing dynamic features (form validation, interactive elements)
- Handling user input and events
Enhancing with Bootstrap
- Using Bootstrap components to enhance design
- Ensuring responsiveness across devices
Testing and Debugging
- Cross-browser testing and debugging tools
- Optimizing performance
- User testing and feedback
Final Project and Course Review
Final Project Development
- Working on individual or group projects applying all learned concepts
- Applying best practices and coding standards
Project Presentation
- Presenting projects to peers and instructors
- Receiving and giving feedback
Course Wrap-up
- Reviewing key concepts and takeaways
- Discussing further learning paths and career opportunities
- Course evaluation and closing remarks